Dr. Derek Suite - The Suite Spot

Win it All Wednesday: Your 3 for the Win Lift

Derek H. Suite, M.D.

In this Win it All Wednesday episode of the Suite Spot, Dr. Suite explores three essential behaviors—self-reflection, prioritizing recovery, and leading with humility—that empower listeners to transform their daily lives. 

Integrating these practices into your everyday routines allows you to find balance and achieve holistic success in mind, body, and spirit. 
Let's do it!

• Understanding self-reflection as a key to personal growth 
• The importance of recovery in enhancing performance 
• Leading with humility to foster social connections 
• Encouragement to take small, intentional steps toward success 
• Reminder of the holistic approach to winning: mind, body, spirit

Hit Play & Score 3 for Your BIG Win today!! 

Speaker 1:

Hello, hello, beautiful souls, welcome, welcome to the Sweet Spot. It's Win it All Wednesday and I'm Dr Sweet, your host. As you know, I'm a board certified psychiatrist and I specialize in sports and performance. It's an honor this week to be guiding you through another day in our Three for the Win series. We've been doing a wonderful Three for the Win series where every day we take three actions or three behaviors and we fix it so that it helps us win. Today is no different. Today is Win it All Wednesday. It's in the name Win it All Wednesday. Couldn't be better than that, right.

Speaker 1:

So we're going to dive into three winning behaviors on Win it All Wednesday that can help you seize the day. So we love to start with a quote. Today's quote is from Ralph Waldo Emerson, who once said the only person you're destined to become is the person you decide to be. I'll repeat it the only person you're destined to become is the person you decide to be, is the person you decide to be. So let's explore how intentional behavior then can help you win it all. Let's break down these winning behaviors into the three for the win series that we're talking about. I love it, three for the win. So we're looking at the mind, the body and the spirit. Remember, we said three is a fairly sacred number. I mean you've got the Holy Trinity the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. You have the Moon, the Earth and the Sun. You have mind, body and spirit. And here we are with mind, body and spirit and we're going to dive right in.

Speaker 1:

So what's one winning move you can do with your mind today? Well, practicing something I like to call self-reflection. Did you know that winning starts with understanding where you stand first, that in order to win, you've got to know where you are? You have to be self-aware before you take the action for winning. So I'm challenging you on Win it All Wednesday to take 10 minutes to journal or reflect on one question what's one area that you would like to improve today? What's one area that you would like to see a shift in the right direction? All the research in cognitive psychology talks about metacognition, that is, thinking about what you're thinking, as a tool for helping you to grow and helping you to make better decisions. So I want you to go through this meta process with me. The act of self-reflecting, thinking about what you're thinking, actually will strengthen certain brain cells or neural pathways. I should say that support your ability to problem solve and adapt, problem solve and adapt. So there's 10 minutes of self-reflection, of journaling and thinking about what you can improve and then thinking about the way you think about that is actually kind of cool. So that's how you begin to get your mind right.

Speaker 1:

What's the second winning thing that you can do for the body? Well, prioritize recovery. I work in sports so I see elite athletes doing this all the time. Elite athletes know the value of rest and recovery in sustaining peak performance. They take 15 to 20 minutes when they need it to do active recovery. And you can do the same thing if you're grinding and you're rushing and you're no longer paying attention to your recovery.

Speaker 1:

This win it all wednesday segment is about that. It's about helping you taking to take 15 minutes to basically actively recover. Now how does that look for you? It could be a quick stretch, maybe a short walk or a mindfulness exercise. Anything that does some light movement will help you reduce your cortisol levels. That's one of the stress hormones in the body. So when you do some stretching or go for a walk and you do mindful activities, you reduce cortisol and therefore improve your energy regulation and you prepare your body to engage in tasks that require sustained focus and more physical activity. So already we've seen the first thing that you're going to do. The first thing you're going to do for the mind was self-reflection. The second thing is that you're going to prioritize recovery. Take 15 minutes for active recovery.

Speaker 1:

That leaves us with the third part of our three for the win. Okay, the three for the win. This is the third part, and that's doing something for your spirit. And today's task for the spirit is this Lead with humility. In the scriptures it says it this way Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility, value others above yourselves. That's in Philippians 2, 3. I'm going to repeat that Do nothing out of selfish ambition. Do nothing selfishly. Don't do it out of pride or conceit. Rather, in humility, being humble, value others above yourselves. You see, humility is a strength, it's not a weakness, and it connects us to others and it creates this kind of space for growth, and the neuroscience actually confirms this. My reading in neuroscience has shown me and I'm excited to share this with you that humility as a practice not only enhances your ability to bond socially, it actually activates areas of the brain linked to empathy and collaboration, and you get better at it the more you practice it. So winning isn't only about standing above others, it's about lifting them as you rise. That's the humility approach.

Speaker 1:

All right, so there you have it, the three for the win Self-reflection for your mind, recovery for your body and humility for your spirit. All right now. These winning behaviors can transform your day and bring you closer to your goals. Think about that. Remember. Winning starts with small, intentional steps you take each day. All right now, if you enjoyed this episode, if you felt what I was saying, follow me. Please follow me on Twitter, on YouTube, on LinkedIn, and now I'm on threads. You can check me out there for more inspiration, more insights. Until next time, I want you to stay wise, stay winning and take care of yourselves. My friends, see you tomorrow for Trust Yourself Thursday. I'm Dr Sweet.