Dr. Derek Suite - The Suite Spot

Trust Yourself Thursday: Your 3 for the Win Lift

Derek H. Suite, M.D.

In this Trust Yourself Thursday episode, the Suite Spot invites you take the big risk and take the big shot for the win --and deepen your self-trust through actionable strategies.  

Listen in as Dr. Suite explores reframing self-doubt, listening to our body's instincts, and anchoring ourselves in faith to build a holistic sense of confidence. 

Are you ready to trust yourself and go for your win? 

• Reframing self-doubt by questioning fears 
• Trusting instincts through interoceptive awareness 
• Anchoring in faith for spiritual grounding 
• Engaging in stillness and reflection 
• Invitation to share personal experiences with self-trust

Hit play and  take 3 for the Win today!!!

Speaker 1:

Welcome back, beautiful souls, welcome back to the sweet spot where science meets soul Today. Today is Trust Yourself Thursday. What a day. And I'm Dr Derek Sweet. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a board-certified psychiatrist and I specialize in sports and performance, and it's a joy, a pure joy, to have you here for another day in our Three for the Win series that we've been doing all week.

Speaker 1:

On Trust Yourself Thursday today we're exploring three ways to deepen your trust in yourself and unlock your full potential. We always start with a quote and I have one here from Henry David Thoreau, who once said Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you have imagined. What a beautiful quote. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams, live the life you have imagined. Wow. Well, on Trust Yourself Thursday we're going to say this to you right off the bat Trust begins with belief in yourself self. It also requires that you have the conviction, the courage and the faith to take the next step. So let's break it down on our three for the win series here and let's go into the mind, body, spirit.

Speaker 1:

For Trust Yourself Thursday. What do we have for the mind? Well, the challenge we have for you today is one reframe self-doubt, that's right. Reframe it. Everyone experiences moments of insecurity. That's to be human. But the key is not whether you stay there, it's whether you're going to respond and how you respond to it. When self-doubt creeps in, I want you to challenge it by asking what's the evidence against this fear? I want you to be like a CBT therapist cognitive behavioral therapist that's what they would ask you. And CBT shows that questioning negative thoughts reduces their power and builds confidence over time. So you have to question your fears. What's the evidence, what's the real evidence? And you have to replace these doubts with facts that strengthen your neural pathways for resilience and positive thinking. So that's it Reframe self-doubt and question the fears. That's what you're going to do. That's action one. Okay, the next thing you're going to do is you're going to trust your instincts. This is for your body, for your mind. You reframe the doubts For your body. You're going to trust the instincts. Your body often knows the answer even before your mind catches up.

Speaker 1:

This is called interception. It's the ability to sense internal cues like your heartbeat or that gut feeling you have sometimes. That's a real thing. Some people call it the spidey senses like from Spider-Man. Spidey senses, like from Spider-Man. So studies have shown in neuroscience that when people hone or develop interception their body awareness, it actually improves their decision making and their emotional regulation. They're able to trust their instincts and make better decisions and faster decisions.

Speaker 1:

So today, on Trust Yourself Thursday, I want you to take a moment to tune into your body's signals this is called Interceptive Awareness and figure out what your body is saying to you, whether it's during a workout or a quiet moment. I want you to listen to what your body is telling you. And that's the exercise for today. So what's the third thing? Okay, you've already heard. For the mind, you're going to reframe self-doubt and you're going to question fears. Today. For the body, you're going to trust your instincts. You're going to listen to what your body is telling you.

Speaker 1:

And the third part of our three for the win is the spirit. What are we going to do for the spirit today? And I'm going to tell you this I want you to anchor yourself in your faith. That's the third three for the win. Anchor yourself in your faith In the scriptures. In the Psalms it says be still, be still and know that I'm God. So trusting yourself often starts with trusting something greater than yourself. Right, recognizing that there's a bigger thing out there, a mystery that we call God, that the universe is much larger than who we are and, at the same time, that the universe is in us. How marvelous. So take a few moments for stillness and reflection today as you are contemplating.

Speaker 1:

Trust Yourself Thursday, whether through prayer or meditation or quiet contemplation, maybe you like to ground and let your spirit be reinforced, let your inner confidence be refreshed and let your sense of purpose can be renewed today. So there you have it, my friends the three for the win approach on Trust Yourself Thursday. One, reframing self-doubt for your mind. Two, tuning in to your instincts for your body. And three, anchoring yourself in faith for your spirit. All right now, these three steps. They can really help you strengthen your trust, your trust in yourself, and you should be able to take on any challenge with confidence using this approach.

Speaker 1:

Okay, beautiful souls, if you enjoyed this episode, I want you to follow me on Twitter, youtube, linkedin. I'm on Threads now, which is this brand new, this whole new platform that I'm trying out, and for more inspiration and insights, hit me up and let me know whether or not any of these actions you took on Trust Yourself. Thursday made a difference. Until next time, stay wise, stay winning, take care of yourselves, and I'll see you tomorrow for Friday and you know what Friday is around these parts? Oh yeah, we call it Finish Strong Friday. This is Dr Sweet. I'll see you then, thank you.